
Debido a la naturaleza especializada de nuestros servicios, los precios varían según cada proyecto. Factores como la complejidad del diseño, horas de trabajo y cantidad de materiales influyen en la estimación final. Contáctanos para cotizar tu idea o restauración.

Nordic-Themed 3D Prints

Explore our plans, each packed with unique value.


Viking Starter

Our standard kit for figure restoration.


Odin’s Elite

Top-tier package for custom painting.

Nordic Treasures for Collectors

Discover exclusive deals and save big on your favorite collectibles.

Unique Keepsakes for Any Event

Discover our standout features here.

Custom Painting

Bring your figures to life with color.

Figure Restoration

Revive damaged pieces to their original glory.

Exclusive Imports

Explore rare figures from around the world.

3D Printing

Craft bespoke designs with our 3D print service.

Collectible Figures

Discover an array of iconic figures to collect.